Sunday, February 28, 2016

Ranking last 10 "Best Picture" Oscar winners

Ranking last 10 "Best Picture" Oscar winners

10. "Crash" (2006)

Trash....pure trash. "Munich", "Good night and Good Luck" and most importantly "Brokeback Mountain" were all WAY superior movies to this melodramatic race-baiting piece of trash. An example of how politics can play an out sized role in who wins these awards. just skip this one folks. Not worth it

9. "The Artist" (2012)

A French silent movie huh? Yeah no thanks. Another example of the Academy being a bit too up their own ass with this pick. No one remembers this movie and its only been 4 years, not exactly a lasting legacy. Not a bad movie but a forgettable one that no one went to see and hasn't been watching since. Pass....hard pass

8. "The Kings Speech" (2011)

The movie for your favorite speech pathologist. This movie about overcoming the speech impediment of King George VI before World War 2 is a perfectly serviceable period piece of a movie but not exactly my cup of tea (yep a British joke). Good movie worth a watch for the performances alone but nothing overly special.

7. "Slumdog Millionaire" (2009)

The Hollywood version of Bollywood is up next with the musical drama "Slumdog Millionaire". A movie about a man remembering his life as he tries to win a million dollars on the Indian version of "Who wants to be a Millionaire". A very good emotional and surprisingly violent movie actually. Don't let the singing and stuff keep you away from this one, its well worth watching and even though it didn't kick off a Bollywood explosion here its still an excellent movie.

6. "The Hurt Locker" (2010)

While one of the lowest grossing Best Picture winners this examination of what happens to some soldiers after war and how some can't let it go is an excellent example of a movie with a message and timely topic. Jeremy Renner and Kathryn Bigelow bring us this Iraq war drama about a bomb defusing expert and how he becomes addicted to the thrills of his job so much so that he can't stand normal life. A movie that gets more and more important as the years go by and the war keeps dragging on. Watch this movie everyone, its more then worth it

5. "The Departed" (2007)

The movie that finally gave Scorsese his first and only Best Director and Best Picture win (a goddamn unbelievable fact that THIS is what won it for him). An excellent remake of the Hong Kong thriller series "Infernal Affairs" this is an excellent crime drama of backstabbing and shifting loyalties. All the actors in this movie are more then game for and everyone gives top notch performances that make up for the flimsy at times story. If you're looking for an excellent crime drama, and maybe the 5th best movie of Martin Scorsese's career, check this one out.

4. "Argo" (2013)

Who woulda thought Ben Affleck had this in him? He stars and directs in this excellent political drama about getting a group of US citizens out of Iran after the embassy they worked in was overrun in the 70's and they managed to escape from before it did. Mixing action, drama and comedy Affleck shines both in front and behind the camera and proves there's more to him then what most people thought and placed him as one of Hollywood's top youngish Directors. This movie was able to hold off an extremely tough group of nominees with "Lincoln", "Silver Linings Playbook", "Django Unchained" and "Les Miserables" also being up. Some would say it didn't deserve it but i disagree as this movie has tremendous re watch value. Great movie

3. "No Country for Old Men" (2008)

The best example of bringing a book to the big screen of movie history is the Coen Brothers "No Country for Old Men". A virtual scene for scene film version of the classic Cormac McCarthy book "No Country" brings us one of cinemas all time great villains in Anton Chigurgh (Javier Bardem) and features pitch perfect performances from Josh Brolin and Tommy Lee Jones as well. This is what happens when you combine legendary directors with an amazing story and also shows that yes you can have success by just transporting a book to the screen word by word, see we told you it would work Hollywood!! Classic game of cat and mouse as Brolin is pursued by Bardem all in pursuit of a suitcase full of money Brolin found at a drug hit. Everything about this movie is perfect so go check it out

2. "Birdman" (2015)

Perfect performances, an arresting visual style and the added gravitas of forces outside of movie (Michael Keaton being Batman and all) "Birdman" was not only a surprise last year but a welcome one. Featuring Michael Keaton giving the performance of a lifetime as a washed up actor taking one last stab at legitimacy, see there's that real world subtext going on, "Birdman" takes us on a journey that can go from comedy to drama at the drop of a hat. The no cut camera work alone is reason enough to check this one out as it keeps you engaged at all times but its the performances that will hook you. Everyone is outstanding so go check this out right now!

1. "12 Years a Slave" (2014)

Want a ultra powerful drama that will force you to re-examine the history of our country? This is the one for you. I don't have to sell "12 years a slave" to anyone as it stands and sells itself as one of the most emotionally poignant movies ever. The story of Solomon Northrup's ordeal of being kidnapped and sold into slavery is a chilling portrait of an America that once was. This is what it costs to make our country and is it worth it is one of the many questions you'll be forced to ask yourself after watching this movie after you wipe away the tears. What an incredible piece of film making and one worthy of our top spot. Go watch this movie folks, just do it.

Written by Jacob Maracle (

Ranking last 10 "Best Actor" Oscar winners

Ranking last 10 "Best Actor" Oscar winners

   We're onto our list of the Best Actor winners for the last 10 years. Not going to count all the Leonardo Dicaprio loses over this time but if you want a fun activity keep a tally yourself. Anyway onto our list:

10. Jean Dujardin "The Artist" (2012)

OK we kick off our list with Jean Dujardin for "The Artist". A movie pretty much completely forgotten about even though it won Best Picture and in my opinion with good reason. Its a silent movie starring French actors that won in one of the weakest fields ever even though there were 10 nominees. Now I'm not saying Dujardin's performance is bad because it certainly isn't, its just mostly forgettable is all. Take it, leave it meh....

9. Sean Penn "Milk" (2009)

Next up is Sean Penn, now he's a very accomplished actor but in this occasion he absolutely did not deserve this win. Mickey Rourke for "The Wrestler" was the heavy favorite to win and certainly deserved to do so, unfortunately for him he made the horrible decision to start appearing for the WWE and subsequently torpedoed his chances to win. Sean Penn is good in "Milk" but its still a footnote and a victory undeserved.

8. Colin Firth "The Kings Speech" (2011)

Next we have Colin Firth, now don't take this spot entirely about his performance as its also a commentary about the rather dry movie that its in, Firth however is excellent as King George VI as he struggles to tame his stutter in order to steady the British public on the eve of World War 2. Excellent acting from the entire cast and Firth leading the way. 

7. Forest Whitaker "The Last King of Scotland" (2007)

Forest Whitaker playing cannibal dictator Idi Amin. Whitaker is perfect for this role, able to use his size and temperament to give Amin the intimidating edge he was known for. Amin was one of the worst African Dictators and while this movie doesn't get into all his atrocities he does give you an intimate view in his own household as to how dangerous he can be. Just a look from Whitaker is enough to chill most viewers. Outstanding and deserved win

6. Jeff Bridges "Crazy Heart" (2010)

A kind of lifetime achievement award here with Jeff Bridges. Bridges plays a washed up/alcoholic Country singer who gets a shot to make one last hit while also a chance at the family he never had with Maggie Gyllenhaal and her son. Bridges is great here, he makes you feel the regret and waste that Bridges character feels as he realizes he's wasted his life and missed the most important things but maybe has one last chance for it. A good movie anchored by an outstanding performance and well worth watching.

5. Philip Seymour Hoffman "Capote" (2006)

One of the dueling Truman Capote movies that came out at the same time but certainly the better of the two in both ways with Philip Seymour Hoffman leading the way. While in many ways a regular biopic but with the advantage of an amazing actor in the lead. Hoffman perfectly captures the eccentric authors idiosyncrasies  exactly and is unrecognizable in the role. A textbook example of how to star in a biopic and a excellent display of acting. 

4. Matthew McConaughey "Dallas Buyers Club" (2014)

Talk about somethhing you never thought you'd see am i right? Yep McConaughey got an Oscar for playing the AIDS infected Ron Woodruff. The physical transformation he went through, basically being skeletal in some parts, is amazing and even more so when you consider the usual toned physique he's known for. Not to mention he was also able to win in one of the tightest races in history as any of the nominees would have been worthy of a victory. (Christian Bale, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Dern and Chiwetel Ejiofor). This movie launched the McConausainse and showed there's more to him then just his stoner charm. Exceptional work here,

3. Eddie Redmayne "The Theory of Everything" (2015)

I myself was pushing for Michael Keaton in "Birdman" this year but you can't argue with Redmayne's win as Professor Stephen Hawking. Redmayne disappears into the role and is able to capture him perfectly. His slow decline losing the ability to move any part of his body is heartbreaking as you see the once vibrant genius reduced to a wheelchair only being able to move his eyes but never losing his sense of humor during it. He's both charming and tragic and thats the essence of acting really. Amazing performance.

2. Daniel Day-Lewis "Lincoln" (2013)

We now get to the Daniel Day Lewis portion of our list as he's taking both of the top spots. Really can't go wrong either way so lets start with Lincoln. For a President noone has ever met this is exactly what every American thinks he was like. Everything about this performance his perfect, the humanity of the man, the intelligence and the political cunning are all on display here. Day-Lewis was the perfect choice to play Lincoln as he just melts into the role and brings to life one of the iconic figures in American history. The idea of anyone else playing this role is laughable now as this stands as one of the best performances in movie history.

1. Daniel Day-Lewis "There Will Be Blood" (2008)

Talk about owning a movie! Thats exactly what Daniel Day-Lewis does here as he owns this movie. He's an absolute tour de force and is right on the edge of over the top but never quite overreaches. He stars as oil man Daniel Plainview who we watch over the years as he builds his oil empire and deals with a deaf "son", a preacher with a grudge and in the end himself. Day-Lewis shows the world why he's the greatest film actor alive as this movie completely hinges on his performance and he pulls it off perfectly. This is the kind of performance that actors try their whole lives to pull off and is exactly why it sits at the top of our list.

Written by Jacob Maracle (

Friday, February 26, 2016

Ranking last 10 "Best Actress" Oscar winners

We are getting to the big three awards now so lets kick these off with our ranking of the last 10 "Best Actress" Oscar winners. Why waste anymore time and lets jump right in shall we?:
10. Helen Mirren "The Queen" (2007)

Queens.....why do great actresses feel this need to play these boring, one-note parts? Fantasy queens sure i get that but historical ones? Not even an interesting one either here by Helen Mirren, at least in "Elizabeth" there was intrigue and actions scenes. "The Queen" revolves around the aftermath of Princess Diana's death and what response, if any, the British Royal Family would have. Sounds like a real barn burner doesn't it? Anyway last place for me in this category.

9. Kate Winslet "The Reader" (2009)

Again guilty of a mortal movie sin but i didn't see this movie so can't really speak to it. Moving on.....

8.  Sandra Bullock "The Blind Side" (2010)

OK so this role is fun, Bullock is sassy and in your face as Leigh Tuohy, a tough Texas mom who, after seeing Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), a friend of her son and a promising football prospect, walking shivering down the street offers him a place to stay. The movie is about the family making Michael one of their own and the struggle/triumph that leads to. Not your typical Oscar winning performance here as it seems it was given more for a mixture of hype/everyone loving Sandra Bullock then actual on screen work but Bullock is still very good here. Her "no nonsense" demeanor and sense of wanting to do whats right was believable and the movie itself is pretty good, in addition to a relatively light year of competition, was enough to take home the gold. Good for her.

7. Reese Witherspoon "Walk The Line" (2006)

Everyone just thinks about Joaquin Phoenix for this movie, and for good reason, but it was actually Reece Witherspoon as June Carter Cash who took home the Oscar for her performance. Doing all her own singing I'm sure helped but her portrayal as June, a highly successful/feisty yet vulnerable woman in love with a man who is on a path to self destruction is really very touching. She wants to help but at a certain point realizes she can't without herself being dragged down too, the conflict she feels since she is truly in love with Johnny Cash is really quite moving. Even more so when you see the chemistry the two have on stage early on and later once they're married. Witherspoon perfectly embodies the wholesome on stage and not entirely so off June Carter Cash and certainly earned her award.

6. Meryl Streep "The Iron Lady" (2012)

Meryl Streep as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher....almost seems a bit too on the nose but needless to say perfect casting. Streep perfectly embodies the legendary British political figure, or at least insofar as i know she does. She brings the toughness that begot the title of the film but is also able to show her humanity and softer side. Fully fleshing out a character who can seem one-note at times in history. Streep once again proving why she holds the record for most Academy Awards for women.

5. Jennifer Lawrence "Silver Linings Playbook" (2013)

The movie that started the award winning behemoth that is Jennifer Lawrence, or at least during awards season that is. Now i myself thought she was better in "Winters Bone" but that's not relevant here. What is relevant is how Lawrence took the world by storm with her performance as Tiffany, a young widow with depression and sex issues who forms a relationship with bi-polar Pat (Bradley Cooper). Lawrence is extremely charming and off center in the role. Her chemistry with Cooper is palpable and shows us why the two have worked together so often since then. Lawrence pulls off the damaged character flawlessly and you really feel the tragedy she's had and hows it lead her to who she is today.

4. Marion Cotillard "La Vie en Rose" (2008)

Biopics are usually the easiest route to an Oscar but when you can pull of the win in your first Hollywood movie, fend off one of strongest list of nominees in recent history ("Juno" Ellen Page, "Elizabeth: The Golden Age" Cate Blanchett, "Away from her" Julie Christie, "Savages" Laura Linney) and do so in a movie that's about a 1930's French singer well then brother you know you've done something special. The film about the life of Edith Piaf is at the same time heartbreaking and inspiring. Seeing the tough life this woman led and how it all translated into her voice is fabulous. The way we can see all the hardship and loss turned into her music and how it eventually leads to her death, you simply can't look away. Cotillard loses herself in this performance and its easy to forget she's acting at all, a sign you've truly done something special. If you're usually wary of foreign movies just ignore that and go check this one out asap.

3. Cate Blanchett "Blue Jasmine" (2014)

This is not a happy movie everyone lets just get that out of the way, nut its packed with great performances lead by Cate Blanchett who is gives a tour DE force performance. Considered by many to be a take-off on "A streetcar named desire" Blanchett has the Blanche Dubois roll and plays it to perfection. Whether she's playing role as the high class, rich lady of Jasmine's past or the post nervous breakdown, muttering to herself Jasmine of later in the movie Blanchett makes you believe every second of it and shows why she's one of the top actresses in Hollywood today. You feel anger/disgust at Jasmine for the things she does and how it effects those around her but at the same time you pity her by the end when you see the ruin she becomes in the end. A hard switch to make but Blanchett pulls it off beautifully. Amazing performance

2. Natalie Portman "Black Swan"

We all knew Natalie Portman could act but i don't think anyone was expecting a performance like this. Portman play Nina, a ballerina and a member of the prestigious New York Ballet Company who is willing to give everything, including her sanity, in order to become "Prima Ballerina" and star in the company's newest production of "Swan Lake". She must prove to the company's new Director Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassell) but also fend off a challenge from the young and sexy new member of the company Lily (Mila Kunis). Portman dives into Nina headfirst and simply disappears into it. Showing a girl who's hold on sanity slips further and further as the stress mounts closer to opening night in her quest for perfection. Portman puts on display the entire spectrum of emotions, from anger to joy, sadness to lust and does so flawlessly. We ourselves feel like we're losing our grip as things occur around Nina that are impossible and we're not sure we're seeing either. This is so much more then a movie about ballet, its a psychological thriller set in a ballet world and the way that "Swan Lake" is used as both the plot of the movie and the ballet to be performed in the movie is masterful. If you haven't seen "Black Swan" you're missing out on one of the great performances of all time. Go see it, Which brings us too.....

1. Julianne Moore "Still Alice" (2015)

My soul still hasn't recovered from this movie that's how effective it is. The story of a woman who is one of the top linguists in the world slowly falling prey to early onset Alzheimer's is going to stick with you long after you're done watching. Moore is transcendent as Alice, the mentioned linguist, who after having a few bouts of memory loss finds out she has irreversible Alzheimer's and the rest of the movie is us watching her fall prey to her disease. While initially confident she can manage the disease slowly but surely everything that makes her who she is is taken away from her, even her mind itself. She goes from a woman who is at the top of the academic world for languages to someone who can't more then grunt by the end. Words can't even describe how you feel watching this slow decline, it goes beyond sadness and crying and enters the souls crushing territory that lets you know you've had an experience. Seeing Moore not even being able to take her own life because she can't remember how is one of the most painful moments I've ever had watching a major motion picture. Tears just stop at a certain point as they no longer can express how you feel, simply magnificent. Julianne Moore gives one of the ALL-TIME great performances here and is easily the top performance by an Actress in the last 10 years.

Written by Jacob Maracle (

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Ranking last 10 "Best Supporting Actor" Oscar winners

Not since the actual "Sophie's choice" has there been a decision this hard. The last 10 "Best Supporting Actor" winners are among some of the best in film history. There's literally no weak links and a good 6-7 of them would be legit top choices. But this is the world we live in and we love our lists so here's how I'd stack up these amazing performances:

10. Christopher Plummer "Beginners" (2012)

Sorry but didn't see this one so can't accurately tell you anything about it, it is Christopher Plummer though so I'm sure he deserved it. Be better then me and see it.

9. Alan Arkin "Little Miss Sunshine" (2007)

In a war i feel bad for Alan Arkin, his performance was fabulous no doubt but the problem is his was still the s3cond best performance that year. Eddie Murphy was cruising to the victory until infamously "Norbit" was released right around Oscars time and there was no way he was getting the award and after "Academy Award winner" on the "Norbit" poster. Arkin put in a great, slightly unhinged performance but that cloud of what if is hanging over his award win and that's a shame.

8. George Clooney "Syriana" (2006)

Next up is George Clooney in "Syriana" where he played a CIA agent who is disavowed and forced to fend for himself while unraveling some political intrigue. Say what you will about the movie itself but Clooney is outstanding. He famously put on extra weight and got scruffy looking for the role with the intent to prove he could act and wasn't just a Hollywood pretty boy and it worked perfectly. He took home the gold and is now one of the top leading men in the business. Not bad for the guy from Roseanne.

7. Christian Bale "The Fighter" (2011)

Christian Bale is next on our list for "The Fighter" where he played the drug addicted "Dickie" Ecklund. Bale went through one of his many physical transformations for this role to get the drug emaciated body the role needed and it paid off with his first Oscar win. You have sympathy for him even as you realize all his troubles in life are his own fault and he's dragging his brother down the same rabbit hole he went down. Bale really digs into what makes this guy who lives in the past for his one moment of glory tick and finds the humanity in this passively self destructive character and he actually steals the movie from the planned star Mark Wahlberg. When you outshine a A-Lister and steal a biopic away from the guy its about you know you've done something special.

6. Jared Leto "Dallas Buyers Club" (2014)

Now we're into the part where any of these performances could have taken the top spot and Jared Leto is a perfect example of what i mean. He plays the role of a slowly dying Transgender AIDS patient whose slowly deteriorating health turns a once optimistic and fun loving person into a shell of themselves as they cough up blood and cry out about not wanting to die. If this role doesn't make your heart hurt then there is something wrong with you. Leto gives a masterclass performance and forces the viewer to see this disease from a much more personal angle. Bravo indeed

5. Christoph Waltz "Django Unchained" (2013)

We now come to the Christoph Waltz portion of the countdown with "Django Unchained". The second Oscar win with Tarantino for Waltz. He plays the role of dentist/bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz, the mentor to the titular Django. The charm and charisma Waltz brings to the movie is a welcome rest from the onslaught of disturbing imagery that is all over the movie. His ability to be both humorous and deadly fits him perfectly into Tarantino's heightened world and his ability to effortlessly rattle off a Tarantino monologue is second to none. Not quite as good as his next movie on the list but still great nonetheless.

4. Javier Bardem "No Country for Old Men" (2008)

Wanna see the personification of death on screen? Look no further then the chilling Anton Chigurh. A terrifying figure in the book Bardem brings this icy cold villain to the screen with a quiet menace that underlines the idea that less can be more. He never gets emotional, never yells or even raises his voice but every second he's on screen you feel something bad can happen at any moment. Something as simple as a coin toss gets elevated to a life or death moment without any threats even being said aloud, just his aura and tone are enough to scare any normal citizen. The fact that this man also adheres to a code, no matter how warped it may seem to us, adds another layer of depth you didn't realize was there. 

3. Christoph Waltz "Inglorious Basterds" (2010)

Wanna see how to explode onto the American movie landscape? Just watch Christoph Waltz's breakthrough performance in "Inglorious Basterds". All the hype leading in was on Brad Pitt but from the first screening it was apparent this was Waltz's movie. His Colonel Hans Landa owns every scene he's in and even when not on screen you wither wish he was or his aura is hanging over it. Able to pull off both menacing and charming at the drop of a hat with such ease you'd assume he's reliving a past life. Tarantino once thought the role to be unplayable when he wrote it until Waltz auditioned and what a pairing the two have made. Its impossible not to like Landa and considering he's a Nazi known as "The Jew Hunter" like is a word that's hard to believe is attached to him. Amazing performance in one of Tarantino's best movies.

2. J.K. Simmons "Whiplash" (2015)

An example of a role that probably should have been nominated for lead actor but in no way is detracted from by this award. J.K. Simmons is amazing in the role as music teacher Terrence Fletcher whose obsessive need to push his students to the absolute limit to try and achieve perfection is impossible to look away from. Abuse is really the only way to describe his methods but once you find out why he does this you can completely see things from his point of view. Simmons loses himself in the role and completely erases any semblance of "acting" and simply becomes the character. Simply put his performance is about as close to perfection as you can get so don't miss it.

1. Heath Ledger "The Dark Knight" (2009)

As if there was any doubt who the top dog would be. Heath Ledger's "Joker" now transcends just film, He is a cultural icon. Ledger explodes off the screen and you can't look away anytime he's on. He manages to completely erase Jack Nicholson's performance from the public mind and when you can do that then you've done something magical. Everything from his look to his makeup to even his speech and posture makes the audience uncomfortable and scared and brings home the idea this man is capable of anything and yes you should be very very afraid. He's also shown to be almost omniscient with his ability to think 20 steps ahead of even Batman which again just drives home just how dangerous he is. Very few performances are quite literally immortal but this is certainly one of them and an easy choice for the top of our list.

Ranking last 10 "Best Supporting Actress" Oscar Winners

   So its the week of the 88th Academy Awards and despite all the controversy its always an exciting time for anyone who enjoys film. In honor of this i've put together a ranking of the last 10 Academy Award winners in each of the 5 main categories (Best Picture, Best Actor/Actress, Best Supporting Actor/Actress) and address any of the controversies that may have happened then......needless to say expect to see Leonardo Dicaprio's name alot in here. Anyway without further adieu lets kick this off with a ranking of the last 10 winners for Best Supporting Actress:

10. Mo'nique "Precious" (2009)

Ever wonder what having your greatest professional moment while simultaneously destroying your career looks like? Look no further then Mo-nique in 2009. I myself found the perfromance to be a bit over the top but the Academy loved it and Mo'nique was a lock even before the show aired even though she famously refused to campaign for the award. She did win and then decided to call out the Academy by "thanking" them for making the award about the work and not the politics of it. While a noble sentiment for sure there's a time and place for things and a simple thank you would have sufficed. Since then she hasn't been able to get any major roles despite her award and she now claims to be "blackballed". Whether thats true or that she just was out acted is up for debate but she got the Award so congrats on that....still hated the movie either way.

9. Penelope Cruz "Vicky Christina Barcelona" (2008)

Ok i'm not going to lie here, i never saw "Vicky Christina Barcelona". I hear its a lovely and extremly well acted movie but i thought it looked sappy and honestly i didn't and still don't know what its actually about. I do however know i hated "Precious" and Mo'nique which is how this finished above that. So anyway moving on and if you have seen this movie well let me know how it is.....

8. Rachel Weisz "The Constant Gardener" (2005)

Next up is Rachel Weisz in the underrated "The Constant Gardener". While it can be argued who deserved the award more between Weisz and Michelle Williams in "Brokeback Mountain" (i tend to lean towards Williams in this case) Weisz is still excellent as the murdered wife of Diplomat Ralph Fiennes in Kenya. Told with a mix of current time and flashbacks of their life together the movie is both a spy movie and a love story all mixed into one that actually works extremely well, no small feat indeed. Do yourself a favor and check it out.

7. Jennifer Hudson "Dreamgirls" (2006)

Next we have Jennifer Hudson as the opinonated and loud Effie White in "Dreamgirls". Now the thing most people remember is that Eddie Murphy famously was also walking to an Oscar win until the studio decided to release "Norbit" right before the show. This, as rumors go, caused Academy members to re-vote a win for Alan Arkin so that "Norbit" couldn't advertise as starring an Oscar winner. That controversy overshadowed what really is a great performance from the former "American Idol" winner. She of course could handle the singing aspect but she was also fantastic in the more melodramatic bits the movie veers to in the end. You root for her even though Effie is actually a quite unlikable character. She was also able to outshine Beyonce and we all know thats not easy to do. If you've been sleeping on "Dreamgirls" go check it out

6. Tilda Swinton "Michael Clayton" (2007)

Up next is Tilda Swinton for "Michael Clayton". Say what you will about the movie (boring, pointless, dour) the fact is the movie was packed with wall-to-wall excellent performances. Tilda Swinton played Karen Crowder, a lawyer on the edge of a nervous breakdown and boy could you tell. Not in the big, loud way most actresses would do but in a much more restrained way that is actually way more effective and tense. You as the audience can see she could snap at any moment but as a character in the movie she would seem perfectly calm and poised, A hard combo to pull off but she does so. extremely well. Great performance

5. Melissa Leo "The Fighter" (2010)

Melissa Leo is up next for her turn as Alice Ecklund-Ward in "The Fighter". Leo played the hard talking Boston mother/promoter of boxing brothers "Irish" Mickey Ward (Mark Wahlberg) and Dicky Ecklund (Oscar winner himself Christian Bale). Again in a movie where every major actor was nominated for an Academy Award Leo was able to carve out a spot  as the mom who may or may not have her son's best interest at heart. She was able to come across as intimidating in the mother of 6 kinda way, tough on Mickey pushing him hard while ignoring Dickie's issues with drugs. The movie is worth seeing in general so go check it out.

4. Octavia Spencer "The Help" (2011)

Getting near the top now with Octavia Spencer for "The Help", an example on how to go from recognizable background actor to star in one move (paying attention Mo'nique). Spencer steals the show as the eponymous help who remains a voice of reason and authority despite her position. Spencer brings a vulnerability/pride to the role and her facial expressions sell her words just as much as her body. Go rent this now then read the book and  you'll see how she absolutely nails the role.

3. Patricia Arquette "Boyhood" (2014)

OK ill say it, "Boyhood" is a boring movie. Sure the way it was filmed was amazing as it was filmed over the course of over a decade but the coming of age story just never clicked with me. That being said Patricia Arquette was a bright spot acting wise as the mom. Already a well known talented actresses Arquette disappears into the role, so much so you forget just how much time has passed in real life. How she was able to keep her character consistent yet changing slightly over qll tht time is incredible. As the movie progresses we not only see her age physically but mentally as well as the pressure of life leaning on her starts to wear her down. Her performance is one of the few reasons i feel to recommend everyone go check it out.

2. Anne Hathaway "Les Miserables" (2012)

Coming in number 2 is Anne Hathaway for "Les Miserables". Im not going to lie i love this movie. From the set production to the cast to even the make-up every part of this movie works and i haven't even discussed the live singing (excellent decision on that). Anne Hathaway makes the most of her turn as Fantine, a poor mother just trying to make ends meet who must turn to prostitution to make money for her daughter. Your heart will break as you watch her lose everything, the pain and desperation in her eyes and body  as she must literally sell her body, teeth included, just for a few cents really drives home the theme of class disparity and makes us the viewer feel a part of ourselves dying as we watch her slowly succumb to her circumstances. Go buy some wine, light a candle and watch this movie now and see what I mean, just keep tissues nearby.

1. Lupita N'Yongo "12 years a Slave" (2013)

And the winner for best Supporting Actress of the last 10 years is Lupita N'Yongo for "12 years a slave". I have no idea why this wasn't up for Best Actress because it would have won that award too. N'Yongo is dynamic in this roll playing a woman who is literally in the worst position imaginable and slowly giving up over time under the weight of constant mental and physical torture, yes im saying torture. Watching her be whipped while tied to a post, her screams piercing after every hit, all for going to get soap to clean herself is one of the most striking and powerful scenes in movie history. The disgust you feel thinking how this was typical abuse of the time is extremely sobering and challenges the audience to think about the cost of our current society. This is a not be missed transcendent performance so do yourself a favor and go see this soon. Simply incredible