Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Sausage Party" Movie Review

  Folks.....i loved this movie, I'm just gonna start right there. Sometimes you just see a movie that for whatever reason connects with you and that's what happened here with "Sausage Party". Everything about this movie just works for me. Sure its a ridiculous, borderline offensive, concept at times but the way Seth Rogen and company fully embrace their idea and go for it made this an absolute blast to watch. Its also once again proof that you don't need a huge budget in any medium to produce outstanding work as long as you have a script and idea that stand on their own as this one does in spades.
   So lets start with the set-up. Basically imagine all your food is sentient and all their lives all they're looking forward to is being chosen at the supermarket and go to the "great beyond" with the "gods", which is what they call us humans. The story itself centers on Frank Wienerton (Seth Rogen) and his girlfriend Brenda Bunson (Kristen Wiig), a sausage and bun destined to be together due to their proximity on the shelves. Both are excited since its 4th of July weekend and their both excited to have Frank sliding into Brenda, yup its a sex thing. Anyway all is going good, the two are even chosen by a god, but it all comes apart when Honey Mustard (Danny McBride) is also chosen. He's seen what happens on the outside and has no intention of returning. Anyway this all leads to Frank, Brenda and their new friends Lavash (David Krumholtz), Sammy Bagel Jr. (Edward Norton) and Teresa Del Taco (Salma Hayek) going on a quest to return to their proper shelves and be chosen again. However along the way Frank learns the dark truth and must warn the others before its too late, wll while being hunted by a damaged and deranged douche (Nick Kroll).
   Sure there is nothing groundbreaking in the plot itself but as is usually the case its the journey that matters. This is 100% NOT a cartoon for children, if you try to convince yourself it is and let the kids hang around you'll change your mind in the opening musical number (written by 8-time Oscar winner Alan Menken might i add). The swearing flies fast and furious so if you're expecting a slow ramp up then don't. This is 100% the type of movie one would stereotype Seth Rogen in, complete with drug use, shocking sex and a cameos from all the usual suspects. (Try and catch James Franco and Paul Rudd before the credits) The fact they're working in animated form really loosens them up to go in pretty much any direction they want for jokes and humor and this freedom really pays off as this movie is hilarious the entire way.
   So on to the humor, i hope you're a fan of food puns because not surprisngly there is a TON of them in here. Luckily though its not the sight gag Carrot Top kind and more the play on words type which will catch you off guard in a good way at least a few times. Another area a ton of the humor is played from is the horrific violence against the food. I mean its pretty graphic stuff but considering again the format it takes the edge off and allows you to just laugh at the absurdity of it all. Humans aren't left out of the fun either though as a few human characters as well have some pretty gruesome things happen to them. I won't spoil it but they do provide some of the best laughs in the film. Also leave your PC hats at home because there are racially and steroetype charged jokes as well. This never comes across as offensive however because not one group is spared, This film is an equal oppurtunity offender and if Mel Brooks has taught us anything about comedy its as long as you hit everybody then swing away! It also helps that at 88 minutes the movie always keeps moving and doesn't get bogged down in one joke or scenario for too long. This keeps the momentum going as well as making sure it never overstays its welcome.
   Now thats not to say this entire movie is just raunchy humor either. Suprisingly there is a real question and theme about the nature of religion in here as well.  It does also question, but not entirely tear down the idea, of the blind faith alot of people have towards a deity. About how the whole thing could (and probally is) one big story made up to spare people the existential and actual dread of oblivion and what death really is. Its not just a one-sided view of whether "having religion is dumb" however as it also gives the opposing view of "how is believing in nothing better?". It does lean in one direction for sure but the fact they included these themes and ideas at all considering the rest of the movie was both surprising and refreshing. Its an example of knowing who your audience will be, in this case 20-30 something adults, and catering the humor and level of ideas towards them. Maybe the kind of specialized writing more in Hollywood should adopt.
   I haven't even gotten into the voice talent involved either. In addition to the already awesome cast previously mentioned Bill Hader, Jonah Hill and Michael Cera also join in on the fun and everyone is superb. Its almost like the whole cast is feeding off the absurdity of the concept and just going for broke. Every performance is spot on comedically, as one would expect, and also able to add some depth in the few places its needed. Really helps the material as it strikes the right balance between serious and ridiculous.
   Overall i can't suggest this movie enough. Whether you're looking for a hard R-rated comedy, a allegory on religion or you just like cartoons with swearing in them this is the movie for you. Highly recommended for everyone........except for kids under 15.

**9/10 Stars**

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