Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Ranking last 10 "Best Supporting Actress" Oscar Winners

   So its the week of the 88th Academy Awards and despite all the controversy its always an exciting time for anyone who enjoys film. In honor of this i've put together a ranking of the last 10 Academy Award winners in each of the 5 main categories (Best Picture, Best Actor/Actress, Best Supporting Actor/Actress) and address any of the controversies that may have happened then......needless to say expect to see Leonardo Dicaprio's name alot in here. Anyway without further adieu lets kick this off with a ranking of the last 10 winners for Best Supporting Actress:

10. Mo'nique "Precious" (2009)

Ever wonder what having your greatest professional moment while simultaneously destroying your career looks like? Look no further then Mo-nique in 2009. I myself found the perfromance to be a bit over the top but the Academy loved it and Mo'nique was a lock even before the show aired even though she famously refused to campaign for the award. She did win and then decided to call out the Academy by "thanking" them for making the award about the work and not the politics of it. While a noble sentiment for sure there's a time and place for things and a simple thank you would have sufficed. Since then she hasn't been able to get any major roles despite her award and she now claims to be "blackballed". Whether thats true or that she just was out acted is up for debate but she got the Award so congrats on that....still hated the movie either way.

9. Penelope Cruz "Vicky Christina Barcelona" (2008)

Ok i'm not going to lie here, i never saw "Vicky Christina Barcelona". I hear its a lovely and extremly well acted movie but i thought it looked sappy and honestly i didn't and still don't know what its actually about. I do however know i hated "Precious" and Mo'nique which is how this finished above that. So anyway moving on and if you have seen this movie well let me know how it is.....

8. Rachel Weisz "The Constant Gardener" (2005)

Next up is Rachel Weisz in the underrated "The Constant Gardener". While it can be argued who deserved the award more between Weisz and Michelle Williams in "Brokeback Mountain" (i tend to lean towards Williams in this case) Weisz is still excellent as the murdered wife of Diplomat Ralph Fiennes in Kenya. Told with a mix of current time and flashbacks of their life together the movie is both a spy movie and a love story all mixed into one that actually works extremely well, no small feat indeed. Do yourself a favor and check it out.

7. Jennifer Hudson "Dreamgirls" (2006)

Next we have Jennifer Hudson as the opinonated and loud Effie White in "Dreamgirls". Now the thing most people remember is that Eddie Murphy famously was also walking to an Oscar win until the studio decided to release "Norbit" right before the show. This, as rumors go, caused Academy members to re-vote a win for Alan Arkin so that "Norbit" couldn't advertise as starring an Oscar winner. That controversy overshadowed what really is a great performance from the former "American Idol" winner. She of course could handle the singing aspect but she was also fantastic in the more melodramatic bits the movie veers to in the end. You root for her even though Effie is actually a quite unlikable character. She was also able to outshine Beyonce and we all know thats not easy to do. If you've been sleeping on "Dreamgirls" go check it out

6. Tilda Swinton "Michael Clayton" (2007)

Up next is Tilda Swinton for "Michael Clayton". Say what you will about the movie (boring, pointless, dour) the fact is the movie was packed with wall-to-wall excellent performances. Tilda Swinton played Karen Crowder, a lawyer on the edge of a nervous breakdown and boy could you tell. Not in the big, loud way most actresses would do but in a much more restrained way that is actually way more effective and tense. You as the audience can see she could snap at any moment but as a character in the movie she would seem perfectly calm and poised, A hard combo to pull off but she does so. extremely well. Great performance

5. Melissa Leo "The Fighter" (2010)

Melissa Leo is up next for her turn as Alice Ecklund-Ward in "The Fighter". Leo played the hard talking Boston mother/promoter of boxing brothers "Irish" Mickey Ward (Mark Wahlberg) and Dicky Ecklund (Oscar winner himself Christian Bale). Again in a movie where every major actor was nominated for an Academy Award Leo was able to carve out a spot  as the mom who may or may not have her son's best interest at heart. She was able to come across as intimidating in the mother of 6 kinda way, tough on Mickey pushing him hard while ignoring Dickie's issues with drugs. The movie is worth seeing in general so go check it out.

4. Octavia Spencer "The Help" (2011)

Getting near the top now with Octavia Spencer for "The Help", an example on how to go from recognizable background actor to star in one move (paying attention Mo'nique). Spencer steals the show as the eponymous help who remains a voice of reason and authority despite her position. Spencer brings a vulnerability/pride to the role and her facial expressions sell her words just as much as her body. Go rent this now then read the book and  you'll see how she absolutely nails the role.

3. Patricia Arquette "Boyhood" (2014)

OK ill say it, "Boyhood" is a boring movie. Sure the way it was filmed was amazing as it was filmed over the course of over a decade but the coming of age story just never clicked with me. That being said Patricia Arquette was a bright spot acting wise as the mom. Already a well known talented actresses Arquette disappears into the role, so much so you forget just how much time has passed in real life. How she was able to keep her character consistent yet changing slightly over qll tht time is incredible. As the movie progresses we not only see her age physically but mentally as well as the pressure of life leaning on her starts to wear her down. Her performance is one of the few reasons i feel to recommend everyone go check it out.

2. Anne Hathaway "Les Miserables" (2012)

Coming in number 2 is Anne Hathaway for "Les Miserables". Im not going to lie i love this movie. From the set production to the cast to even the make-up every part of this movie works and i haven't even discussed the live singing (excellent decision on that). Anne Hathaway makes the most of her turn as Fantine, a poor mother just trying to make ends meet who must turn to prostitution to make money for her daughter. Your heart will break as you watch her lose everything, the pain and desperation in her eyes and body  as she must literally sell her body, teeth included, just for a few cents really drives home the theme of class disparity and makes us the viewer feel a part of ourselves dying as we watch her slowly succumb to her circumstances. Go buy some wine, light a candle and watch this movie now and see what I mean, just keep tissues nearby.

1. Lupita N'Yongo "12 years a Slave" (2013)

And the winner for best Supporting Actress of the last 10 years is Lupita N'Yongo for "12 years a slave". I have no idea why this wasn't up for Best Actress because it would have won that award too. N'Yongo is dynamic in this roll playing a woman who is literally in the worst position imaginable and slowly giving up over time under the weight of constant mental and physical torture, yes im saying torture. Watching her be whipped while tied to a post, her screams piercing after every hit, all for going to get soap to clean herself is one of the most striking and powerful scenes in movie history. The disgust you feel thinking how this was typical abuse of the time is extremely sobering and challenges the audience to think about the cost of our current society. This is a not be missed transcendent performance so do yourself a favor and go see this soon. Simply incredible

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