Wednesday, November 23, 2016

"The Nice Guys" Movie Review

   Every year a few really good movies get passed over or lost in the crowd and audience ignore them despite them being really good, "The Nice Guys" is one of those movies, which is unfortunate because its really good and fun.
Why didn't people come to see this movie?
   Written and Directed by Shane Black, the man behind the first "Lethal Weapon" and "Iron Man 3", this movie has his fingerprints all over it. From the Christmas setting to the the buddy dynamic to the R-rated and sometimes dark humor this is for sure a Shane Black movie....and no that's not a bad thing at all. 

   So what is it about? "The Nice Guys" is basically a buddy cop movie where neither of the stars are Police. Russell Crowe plays Jackson Healy, a semi-famous magazine tough guy for hire who makes his living beating up undesirables for money. Ryan Gosling is Holland Marsh, an alcoholic private detective with a tragic past and a independent pre-teen daughter. These two come together as they're separately hired to complete jobs that overlap in a funny and violent way and lead the two to try and crack the case. Typical plot sure but as always its about the journey and "The Nice Guys" delivers in spades on that front.

   Now this may not seem like the plot set-up for comedy gold, nor does the Gosling/Crowe combo inspire much enthusiasm, but the two of them are fabulous together and actually look like they're having fun. Crowe can be a bit dour at times in his movies lately, as well as in real life, but here he looks to be having a ball playing a less-serious character who's tendency towards violence prolly does mirror his own life a bit. Gosling is playing the comic relief of the duo despite the tragic arc and also looks to relish the chance to switch between serious and goofy. He's definitely the cause for a good share of the films laughs and the excellent chemistry between the two is what makes this movie as good as it is. Special mention should also go to a standout performance by Angourie Rice as Holland's daughter Holly. She actually comes across as the brains and heart of what is ultimately a trio by the end while also avoiding being either a damsel in distress or just another annoying child character. Even though she gets into a few tight spots she's able to get herself out of them without burdening the story or the leads. She may be an actress to keep an eye on in the future.
Keep an eye on this girl, she might be going places
   The setting is very interesting as well. Hollywood in the late 70's is known for being in a bit of a downward trend what with the porn (experimental film) industry being such a major part of the culture and that is on display here as it plays a huge part in plot. Shane Black is however able to inject an energy and humor into the movie that the whole thing keeps a playful vibe even though some very violent and dark things happen throughout. It also bears repeating that this movie is also very funny, which i was not expecting. Jokes jump from being witty banter to slapstick to macabre from scene to scene which keeps things fresh and never letting you guess whats coming next.
Bomer doing his best to look like Ramsay Bolton
   I guess if i had to name a few gripes its that the side characters and villains are a bit underwhelming. Kim Basinger has basically a 2 scene cameo as the Head of the Justice Department. Matt Bomer plays a hit man but he shows up so late in the movie you barely get a chance to build any menace behind him. His performance itself is pretty interesting which makes it a shame he shows up too late to really shine. In addition Keith David and Beau Knapp show up as two guys pulled so far from the back of the stock villain closet they weren't even given names that you appreciate more the way Gosling and Crowe keep this moving rolling at such a high level.
Sure they'll green light a sequel Russell......Sure they will
   A missed gem in this summers movie deluge "The Nice Guys" is an excellent movie that any fan of the "Lethal Weapon" series will instantly fall in love with. The action is great, the comedy is good and varied and the performances are all top notch. Do yourself a favor and go check out this movie.

**8.5/10 Stars**

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