Friday, December 30, 2016

My Top 10 Movies of 2016

   OK its that time of the year.....the end. So in honor of that I've put together a few lists of the best and worst in movies and television that I've seen this year. Now before you go sending messages about omissions and such let me clarify. This is a listing of movies and TV I've actually seen this year. While there may be better movies or shows out there since i didn't see them yet they're ineligible for this list. Anyway now that's we cleared that up here's my list of top 10 movies of 2016 starting with a few that almost made the list.

Honorable Mentions: Sausage Party, Keanu, Hardcore Henry, Deadpool

10. The Shallows

   Talk about a movie coming out of nowhere to become a hit a pretty good movie at that. Not it is true i  was in Florida when this movie released and to say the marketing was everywhere for this film down there is an understatement. Don't let that fool you however as this is actually a very effective thriller. Blake Lively is actually quite good, especially when you consider she basically carries the entire movie. Its also a very pretty movie to look at and is very well directed. Its not one that's going to curb any fears of the beach but still well worth a watch as its probably the best shark attack movie since "Jaws"

9. Triple 9

   Here's one that is destined to become a cult action movie for years to come. "Triple 9" was kinda overlooked this year but anyone who saw it definitely has excellent things to say about it. Comparisons to "Heat" and "Training Day" were unavoidable considering the plot is about crooked cops and double crossing criminals but that's not a bad thing, The action is fabulous, the plot is intriguing and always keeps you on your toes and the cast is beyond stellar, Anthony Mackie, Woody Harrelson, Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kate Winslet, Aaron Paul, Norman Reedus and Gal Gadot all appear which makes it even more surprising how most people passed over this movie. Don't be one of them and check it out

8. Star Trek Beyond

   The third part of trilogies have a reputation as often being the weakest entry in a series but with "Star Trek Beyond" that streak has at least been temporarily broken. The third in the JJ Abrams "Star Trek" series might actually be the strongest in the series, The cast has all grown into their roles and are totally comfortable in them, even making them their own in many ways while remaining homages to the original. That care for the original series is also seen in the plot itself as this movie feels the most like a part of the original movie and TV shows then before. The action is good and colorful and some of the best in the entire series as a whole. The cast both returning and new are universally excellent and have a real rapport with one another that really makes you but them as a cohesive team. This movie proves there really is more life in this series, hopefully we get to see more of it as despite its excellence it was a disappointment at the box office. Don't miss out folks!

7. Doctor Strange

   Ahhh Marvel movies, the gift that keeps on giving. Marvel was apparently a bit concerned when they first began preparing "Doctor Strange" fearing audiences wouldn't get it and that they wouldn't be able to properly bring the character to the big screen, luckily for us they pulled off both masterfully! Benedict Cumberbatch is perfect as the titular doctor as he brings both gravitas and smugness, plus a surprising does of humor, to his character. The magic of the film is handled with care and fits perfectly into the already established universe like a glove, The film is also visually breathtaking, giving us visuals we haven't seen on film in years! Do yourself a favor and check it out in 3D if you get a chance, they really take advantage of it and it adds another layer to the already impressive visual feast!

6. 10 Cloverfield Lane

   When word came out that "Cloverfield" was getting a "sequel" i was both excited and nervous on what to expect. The cryptic trailer enforced that and had me wondering how this film connected to the first (it doesn't BTW) and if the second could build on the franchise, can you really do another big monster movie? Well once it came out and you see it all those worries and ideas disappear and what you're left with is one of the best thrillers of the year. Mostly taking place in an underground bunker the movie is basically a three person play with John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr as they try to survive an attack on the surface, The movie is at its best whenever John Goodman is on screen, he's absolutely on fire as the man who built the bunker who also seems like he has a secret and whose temper could be more dangerous then whatever is outside. His performance alone is enough to suggest checking out this film as its fantastic from beginning to end. As the mysteries of the bunkers begin to show themselves the movie just keeps getting better and better, not going to spoil anything but if you are looking for a stripped down sci-fi thriller with incredible acting this is the one for you!

5. Hell or High Water

   This is a movie that almost doesn't exist but thank goodness it does! Based on a black listed script by Tyler Sheridan "Hell or High Water" is a neo-western centering on brothers Toby and Tanner Howard (Chris Pine and Ben Foster) as they run a series of bank robberies across Texas. They're pursued by a pair of Texas Marshall's in Marcus Hamilton (Jeff Bridges) and Alberto Parker (Gil Birmingham). This is not a heist movie that relies on gun fights however as it aims more for character development and complex script. This movie will at times remind you of "No Country for Old Men" but considering that was a Best Picture winner that's not a bad comparison at all! If you're looking for a heist movie for adults this is your film.

4. The Nice Guys

   Shane Black has long been one of Hollywood's best action writers/directors ever since his work on "Lethal Weapon" and his newest movie "The Nice Guys" keeps up that winning streak as he brings us one of the best buddy comedies in years. Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling seem to be having an absolute ball in the 70's setting, Gosling in particular is fantastic as he gets to flex his comedy muscles as well as some dramatic parts to even it out. Crowe is perfectly cast as the grumpy and grizzled half of the team and gives one his best performances in awhile. The film is a great mix of action and comedy and definitely gives off a "Lethal Weapon" vibe without coming across as derivative. If you're looking for an adult popcorn movie then here's the movie for you.

3. Captain America: Civil War

   Team up movies were all the rage in Hollywood this year but the only one to nail it was Marvel's entry with "Captain America: Civil War". This could easily have been released as "Avengers 3" and honestly in many ways its a much better film then even "Age of Ultron". The movies basically covers what happens after an accident as well as an attack leads to the governments of the world to create the "Sokovia Accords", basically the cinematic version of the Superhuman Registration Act of the comics. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) believes this is the only way to gain some order in a rapidly escalating superhuman community by keeping tabs on the enhanced, meanwhile Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) believes that this is taking away the freedoms of these people and could be used for evil means if enacted. This leads to a literal split of the Avengers as all the characters you love (minus Hulk that is) that exist in the movie universe to pick sides and face off, which leads to one of the best team fight scenes in movie history! Ever want to see.......well I'm not going to spoil the match-ups, All of that and we haven't even gotten to the actual villain of the movie (whether that is a good or bad thing is up to you when you see it). As far as big event movies this was easily one of the biggest and best executed and stands heads and tails as one of the best movies of the year,....oh yeah and SPIDER-MAN!!!!

2. Arrival

   Sci-fi has been making a comeback in terms of prestige movies lately and "The Arrival" is the latest excellent addition to the genre. Director Denis Villeneuve is one of the top young talents in Hollywood today and his latest is a work of sci-fi genius. The movie centers on Louise Banks (Amy Adams) and Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner) as they attempt to communicate with one of 12 alien spaceships that have mysteriously appeared around the globe and determine why are they here. What seems to be a rather basic set-up quickly becomes a much richer and thoughtful piece of art once you realize what is really going on. In addition to the usual questions of how would the world react to this sudden occurrence it also takes a surprisingly deep dive into how communication with an actual alien species might occur. This attention to minute detail and procedure may sound laborious but it actually is quite absorbing and helps draw you into the mystery more. It also dives into much headier topics about fate, life and pre-destination that will make you think deeper about yourself as well as the characters on screen. The performances are incredible as well as seem destined to score Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner Oscar nominations and Director Villeneuve the nominations for Best Picture and Best Director he was robbed of last year with "Sicario". The plot, the music, the acting are all top notch and lead this to be one of the most wonderful movies of the year.

1. Rogue One 

   "Star Wars" tried something different this year as the first movie not to be a part of the core Skywalker narrative was released and the result? The best movie in the franchise since "The Empire Strikes Back" that's what! This movie took a throwaway line from the first movie about the theft of the Death Star plans and turns it into a hybrid heist/war/team movie that at times more resembles movies like "The Dirty Dozen" or ""We Were Soldiers" as opposed to the "Star Wars" movies we've had up to this point. This movie boasts a narrative that is both wholly original while still weaving in classic characters that never seem like fan service at all. Any cameos make sense as to where they'd be at the time in the overall story. It makes sense that they're there as opposed to just pop up to appear. Not only that it also adds to the overall mystique of all returning characters! As awesome as all those are though they still are only second level to the new characters who are destined to be fan favorites going forward, Jyn Erso (Felicity Huffman) joins a pantheon of strong female characters in the franchise and carves a niche all her own. Her quest to free her father and redeem him and how that eventually leads to her help form the rebellion is a better character arc then Darth Vader received over three movies in the prequels. The other members of her team also have moments to shine and none seem like they're just along for the ride, each is able to contribute and seems a vital part of the mission as a whole. The acting, the plot, the call backs and the addition of who may be the best droid in the series with K-2SO (Alan Tudyk) makes this the can't miss movie event of the year and my top film of 2016!

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