Friday, December 2, 2016

"Things involving Sneakers" Sporting Blog 12/2/2016

   Welcome to another blog series idea i'm toying with everyone. This one im planning to focus on more physical related stuff such as running and any other sports i end up competing in, usually hockey. The hockey stuff will be limited to either Wednsdays or Thursdays since i play the night before and really can't write anything before actually playing can i? The running aspect should come a tad more frequently since staying to the schedule of my last marathon and 5 days a week so expect a few more of those.

   So anyways a bit of the specifics here for some background. On the hockey front sticking to floor, the combination of getting old and never being able to stop on skates to begin with makes this a very easy decision. Won somewhere around 16-17 championships in various leagues over the years, not a huge amount but still pretty good if i do say so myself. As for the running front i'm a 4x Marathong finisher and counting. Have completed the Buffalo one twice (2014/2015), the Washington DC Marine Corps Marathon (2015) and the Chicago Marathon (2016). Next up ideally is the New York City one but we'll see how the entry attempt goes. As for race victories only have 1 so far and that was in a 5K but hey its something. Current goal is obvious as its every runners but is to qualify and run the Boston Marathon, we'll see how that goes though **fingers crossed**. So without further ado lets get some actual recapping of events shall we.

   Well its now firmly in the downward trend of tempatures but despite what the calendar may say Buffalo has been hanging in there with the warmish days, had a few 60's in the last week. Unfortunately thats pretty much been cancelled by the a few factors. One is the rain pretty much everyday chilling the air and making it feel way colder then it really is. Two is that it gets dark at noon and having a day job pretty much means i'll be doing night running for the next few months. Either way not gonna complain too much considering i know whats coming so gonna soak up the chilly weather a bit. Honestly though night running isnt all that bad. Sure there's the threat of getting hit by an unsuspecting motorist but as long as you wear light colored clothing and dont run in the street, AKA common sense, you'll be fine. Plus the anonimity provided by running in the dark can be freeing in ways. Don't really have to worry what youre wearing or what weird faces you make while running since noone will be able to see it anyway. Also there's extra room out there on the more popular paths as the more "fair weather" runners have started to hibernate for the winter. Anywho long story short for now Buffalo needs to keep tempatures just about this as long as it can and night running isn't really that bad, my 2 cents on that for the day

   As for hockey was a all together good week. Tuesdays at Milsher game was fun if a bit too close for comfort. Came out with a 5-3 victory against Maloney. Good game all around and nothing really out of the ordinary happening except one of our guys being drunk off his ass and running around like a maniac, all things considered though he was hustling so thats half the battle. Wednesday at Scoops was more of a mixed bag. The early game was a 5-1 loss but considering it was against the 3rd place team, which we are definitely not, thats not too bad in this league. The rink is not at all big so its more of a shooting gallery then a hockey rink, still the games are fast and fun and you definitely get chances to score even if we didn't here. Plus i was the best player on my squad if i do say so myself and thats a rarity, also shows why we didn't score many goals (not my forte). Bonus this week as well as a late game at Mineral opened as i was needed as a sub. No problems on my end because not only is that team good, and the taste of the loss earlier was still in my mouth, but its also at a rink i enjoy playing at and is a step up from the other two. Anyway despite the late time we were able to cruise to a 10-1 victory and i was able to snap this snazzy looking selfie here pre-game.....

   Look at that sexy bastard, thats the face of a guy taking a game totally seriously for sure. Anyway not sure what else to say for the moment as this is the first post of this series and not sure what format i'll be using for it so adios for now and get out there and get active folks!

1 comment:

  1. You have 2 running victories don't you? The 10k from this pasf summer.

    And you'd look even more handsome with a smile :-)
